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Novel viruses in Aedes, Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes from High Pantanal, Mato Grosso State, Brazil 2019


Pantanal, the largest tropical wetland, locate mostly of its territory in the States of Mato Grosso (MT) and Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Ecosystem changes play an important role in the epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases. Mosquitos are known as hosts, reservoirs and vectors of viruses, since this last are the dominant entities in mosquitoes’ microbiota.

Objetivo (s)

Identification and molecular characterization of novel and already known viruses by metagenomic approach in mosquitoes from High Pantanal region.

Material e Métodos

Mosquitoes were captured in Porto São Luiz and Pirizal, MT, during 2019 and allocated in pools according to sampling place, species, and sex. Pools were subjected to viral RNA extraction, ds-cDNA synthesis, purification, quantification for preparation of genomic library and sequenced by NextSeq 500. Viral contigs were assembled and phylogenetic analysis was made by Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Likelihood inference.

Resultados e Conclusão

Three pools of female mosquitos already implicated as arbovirus vectors, belonging to Anopheles darlingi, Culex sp. and Aedes aegypti mosquitos were analyzed. Thirthy-three viral genomes were identified, twenty-eight belonging to novel viruses and five to already described viruses. All of these sequences belonged to the realm Riboviria. Within the Pararnavirae kingdom, six almost complete genomes belonging to the Metaviridae family were identified, all novel viruses fitting in the Errantivirus genus clade. From the Orthonavirae kingdom, twenty-two novel virus sequences belonging to Partitiviridae, Sedoreoviridae, Spinareoviridae, Phasmaviridae, Phenuiviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Xinmoviridae families, Unclassified Bunyavirales and Reovirales, were identified. As for the already known viruses, three sequences belong to Virgaviridae family, one to Rhabdoviridae family, these two not yet classified in any genus; and one to the Xinmoviridae family, Madalivirus genus. Metagenomics approach is an important tool for invertebrate virome identification and classification, as well for the understanding of mosquitoes’ roles in viral ecosystem maintenance.


Metagenomics, phylogeny, molecular epidemiology.


Eixo 04 | Entomologia / Controle de Vetores


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Janeth Aracely Ramirez Pavón, Nilvanei Aparecido da Silva Neves, João Pedro Lopes Martire, João Batista Pinho, Sandro Patroca, Ana Cecília Ribeiro Cruz, Daniele Barbosa de Almeida Medeiros, Márcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes, Renata Dezengrini Slhessarenko