Dados do Trabalho




The Strodei Subgroup encompasses six formally described species: Nyssorhynchus (Nyssorhynchus) albertoi, Ny. arthuri, Ny. rondoni, Ny. rondoniensis, Ny. striatus and Ny. strodei s.s. (generic status under the nomenclature proposed by Foster et al. 2017). All these species were previously classified in the genus Anopheles, except Ny. rondoniensis. Recently, results of molecular phylogenetic analysis of the species of the Strodei Subgroup from various localities throughout Brazil revealed four species, Ny. arthuri s.s. (named as Ny. arthuri A), Ny. arthuri B, Ny. arthuri D (Bourke et al. 2013, Greni et al. 2018), and Ny. arthuri C (named Ny. rondoniensis by Sant’Ana & Sallum, 2022). The recent findings in the Strodei Subgroup revealed the need for further taxonomic investigations, including morphological description of new species to allow one to accurately identify the females of the group that can be misidentified as Ny. strodei, Ny. evansae and Ny. galvaoi.

Objetivo (s)

To contribute to the improvement of the taxonomy of Nyssorhynchus and correct identification of species of public health
importance as potential vector of human Plasmodium.

Material e Métodos

Morphological characters of the female, male, fourth-instar larva, pupa and male genitalia of all species of the Strodei Subgroup were examined and are illustrated.

Resultados e Conclusão

Results. A list of characters from all life stages of the species are included, as well as illustrations of morphological characters to identify the speciesthe species. Conclusion. Species of the Strodei Subgroup have been misidentified as a single taxon until recently. Thus, an accurate morphological species definition is of utmost importance control interventions in areas where malaria is endemic. For this reason, the morphological descriptions of all life stages of the Ny. arthuri B and Ny. arthuri D, new species of the Subgroup Strodei, including the male, female, fourth instar larva and pupa of Ny. arthuri s.s. and Ny. albertoi are provided for the first time.


Anophelinae, Arthuri Complex, new species, Nyssorhynchus


This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, FAPESP for financial support (Grant 2014/26229-7) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq (Grant no. 303382/2022-8).


Eixo 04 | Entomologia / Controle de Vetores


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Denise Cristina Sant'Ana, Maria Anice Mureb Sallum