Dados do Trabalho


Integrated Plan of Insecticide Resistance Surveillance in Mosquito Vectors


Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, or chikungunya have been re-emerging all over the world, including in Europe. Managing resistance to public health pesticides in mosquitoes is essential and requires global, integrated, and coordinated actions and strong engagement of decision-makers, scientists, and public health operators.

Objetivo (s)

The present work aims at proposing an integrated plan of resistance surveillance in order to provide graduated and appropriate responses according to the situation.

Material e Métodos

The plan relies on periodic monitoring of insecticide resistance at the population level in predefined sites using adequate biological, molecular, and/or biochemical approaches and a stratification of the level of resistance risk at the scale of territory to adjust surveillance and vector control actions. The plan relies on the latest methods and indicators used for resistance monitoring as recommended by the World Health Organization in order to prevent or slow down its extension in space and time.

Resultados e Conclusão

This integrated plan provide countries with technical guidance on how and when to implement surveillance of insecticide monitoring in mosquitoes of public health importance. The plan has been developed for France but can be easily adapted to other countries in order to provide a coordinated response to the growing problem of mosquito resistance.


mosquito-borne diseases; arboviruses; mosquito surveillance; insecticide resistance;


Eixo 04 | Entomologia / Controle de Vetores


Concorrer ao Prêmio Jovem Pesquisador - Doutorado


Corbel Vincent, David Jean Philippe, Benoit Barres, Haoues Alout, Bruno Lapied, Sébastien Chouin, Isabelle Dusfour, Catherine Billault, Farida Mekki, Isabelle Attig, James Devillers