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Prevalence of Microfilariae Infections in Coatis (Nasua nasua) from Parque Estadual do Prosa in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil


The nematodes of the Superfamily Filarioidea are transmitted by vectors with a worldwide distribution and are related to parasitism in domestic and wild animals, often being zoonoses. Monitoring parasitism in wild animals can help to evaluate the circulation of parasites with zoonotic interest. Generalist and abundant species of animals such as coatis can be useful for surveillance of infections, given their proximity to humans.

Objetivo (s)

The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of microfilarial infections in coatis (Nasua nasua) from Parque Estadual do Prosa in Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.

Material e Métodos

Three capture excursions were carried out between October 2022 and March 2023. The captured animals were anesthetized, the blood was collected through the jugular vein and stored in tubes containing anticoagulant. For the research of microfilariae Fresh Blood test, Microhematocrit test, Modified Knott test and the Concentration test (Paiva, unpublished) were carried out, the tests were read under an optical microscope with 20x magnification.

Resultados e Conclusão

A total of 23 animals were captured (11 of them were recaptured). In the Fresh Blood test, 13 animals were positive (56.52%), 20 were positive in the Microhematocrit test (86.95%) and 21 were positive in the Knott and Paiva tests (91.30%). Thus, it is possible to conclude that Filarial nematodes circulate among the coatis in the study area, with the occurrence of approximately 90% of positive animals, accurate detection and identification of these microfilarial larvae are necessary for the monitor, clinical management of animals infected with filarial nematodes. It is worth mentioning that the diagnostic tests applied Knott Modified and Concentration test (under standardization in the study) were more sensitive in the search for microfilariae, showing a higher positivity rate among the analyzed samples.


Filarioidea, Nematoda, filariasis




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Sany Caroline Liberal, Wesley Arruda Gimenez Nantes, Julia Gindri Pistori, William de Oliveira Assis, Ana Clara da Costa Teixeira, Julliana Candea Cezaretti, Luís Felipe Iwasaki Horn, Nayara Yoshie Sano, Heitor Miraglia Herrera, Fernando Paiva, Carina Elisei de Oliveira