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PIT STOP: promoting knowledge and prevention of Chagas disease through a didactic circuit


Health education plays a crucial role in preventing Chagas disease (CD). However, traditional teaching is inadequate for effectively building knowledge, which can be achieved through practical/playful activities.

Objetivo (s)

Thus, we developed a didactic strategy on CD at Escola Municipal Roberto Simonsen (Rio de Janeiro State).

Material e Métodos

Meetings with the "Science on the Road" team were conducted to create low-cost and interactive experiences with appropriate language. Middle school students were eligible to participate if they wished. Evaluation was carried out through non-participant observation, field diary, and questionnaires.

Resultados e Conclusão

Around 200 students took part in the activity titled "Pit Stop: Chagas disease circuit", based on three axes (vector, etiological agent, and the disease) and five stops. At the first, called the "Chagas Barbershop", Triatoma sp. specimens and a stereomicroscope were utilized to facilitate the observation of the vector's anatomy, biology, and preventive measures. In the second stop, "Dangerous Home", we constructed models representing domestic and peri-domestic environments in rural and urban areas. Students actively searched for bugs in various locations such roofs, trees, and stones. The third stop, "Microscopic World", held in the "Mobile Science unit", involved discussions on the etiological agent and transmission of CD in the auditorium, while in the laboratory, students observed slides containing epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Prior to entry, students wore PPEs for an immersive experience. They then explored the "Inside Coscobildo", an anatomical model with TNT organs, where symptomatology was discussed. The circuit concluded at the "Your future in Your Hands" booth, where a fortune teller character used a portable microscope to examine participants' hands and guide them in following the handwashing steps according to WHO. This activity aimed to strengthen the prevention of diseases like COVID-19, which can coexist with Chagas disease. During the activity, students exhibited enthusiasm, curiosity, and teamwork. Evaluation of 68 participants indicated a strong comprehension of the vector, transmission, and etiological agent, with correct responses of 71, 54, and 53%, respectively. Furthermore, 66% of participants rated the circuit as excellent, enjoyable, and remarkable. These findings highlight the significance of employing active teaching methodologies in health education for the prevention of Chagas disease.


health education, Chagas




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Ana Márcia Suarez-Fontes, Deyvison Rhuan Vasco-dos-Santos, Juliana Almeida-Silva, Juan Matheus Pereira Fernandes, Sarah Cristina Santos Silva, Milla Vittoria Leão Bernardi, Guilherme Santos Cunha, Luiz Felippe Santolia, Mariana Torres Vannier, Milena Cruz Souza, Marcos André Vannier-Santos